Happy New Year

A new year is like a blank book and the pen is in your hands. 
It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself.

A new year has just begun and I am happy to have the pen in my hands as I will be writing a beautiful, exciting and adventurous story for myself this year.

I am confident that my dreams will come true and I will be putting a great effort into making it happen! I have so much I want to accomplish and the road to the goal will cost me blood, sweat and tears, but I will keep fighting – I promise that 🙂

Just thinking about all the plans I have for 2016 makes me happy. And the thought of knowing I will be traveling with Sookie and Vini again this year, meeting good old friends, meeting all Vini’s puppies – and their lovely owners too – and have my first litter, just makes me smile – and it is a big smile 😀

Happy New Year to you all – and may your story be beautiful!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year