We are going to the WAO :-D

Yesterday I went to the World Agility Open (WAO) tryouts and I had entered both Sookie and Vini. We were to run two agility courses and a jumpers course. The three best dogs in each height division were selected based on the combined result – so competition was exciting until the end 🙂

Courses were challenging and fun to run – and both my dogs did so great 😀 With Sookie I just made a minor (but fatal) error in each run. Vini was running amazingly, and I felt we were a team – despite our long break due to her shoulder injury.

Vini earned a spot on the team – so we are going to the WAO in May! Sooo happy!! Already now looking forward to all the fun we are going to have! 😀

WAO tryouts

WAO tryouts