Puppies day 6 -::- Hvalpene dag 6

Vini is taking very good care of the puppies and puppies are growing as expected. The puppies are very lively and already crawling around in the box – one of the puppies have already tried to sit up (they usually first do that when they have got eyes).

Jette’s granddaughter, Laerke has visited Vini and the puppies and Vini was so happy to see Laerke – think she could recognise her as she had visited Vini (and her brothers and sisters) so many times when Vini grew up 🙂

During pregnancy, Vini wasn’t nauseas at any time – on the contrary, she was very hungry. She still thinks she is served too little food. At a point of time when she was feeding the puppies, she was very hungry – she didn’t want to get up but the food bowl was not near her. She tried getting eye contact with Jette and then looked at the bowl, looked back at Jette indicating that Jette should bring the bowl close to her 😉

All puppies day 6

All puppies day 6

Puppy # 1 - boy

Puppy # 1 – boy

Puppy # 2 - girl

Puppy # 2 – girl

Puppy # 3 - boy

Puppy # 3 – boy

Puppy # 4 - girl

Puppy # 4 – girl


Vini tager sig rigtigt godt af hvalpene og hvalpene vokser som forventet. Hvalpene er allerede meget livlige og bevæger sig rundt i kassen – en af hvalpene har endda prøvet at sætte sig op (det gør de normalt ikke før de får øjne).

Jette’s barnebarn, Lærke, har været og besøge Vini og hvalpene og Vini blev så glad for besøget – tror hun kan genkende Lærke, for hun besøgte ofte Vini (og resten af kuldet), da Vini voksede op 🙂

Da Vini var gravid, havde hun ikke kvalme en eneste dag – tværtimod, hun var meget sulten. Hun mener stadig, at der bliver serveret for lidt mad. På et tidspunkt, hvor hun var ved at fodre hvalpene, var hun blevet sulten – hun ville ikke rejse sig, men madskålen stod ikke lige i nærheden af hende. Hun prøvede at få øjenkontakt med Jette, hvorefter hun kiggede hen på madskålen og tilbage på Jette for at indikere til hende, at hun skulle hente madskålen til hende 😉
